Manhwa Review: What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? Vol. 2

51twwmczaql._sy291_bo1204203200_ql40_fmwebp_Lots of Korean web comics and web fiction are successfully making the jump from the Internet to traditional media nowadays. One of these is What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim?. Read on for the review of Volume 2 of the manhwa. (For other reviews of this series, click here.)

Back Cover Blurb

Operation: Sweep Miso Off Her Feet is in full force! Winning over his secretary’s affection has proven to be a tough task, but Youngjun’s pulling out all the stops and re-creating her perfect date—whatever it takes for her to stay! Though Miso finds her heart fluttering at his advances, her dreams are haunted by the memories of a boy from her past, one she feels too compelled to remember…

The Review

Armed with survey information and his vast resources, YoungJun pulls out all the stops in creating Miso’s perfect date! But YoungJun being his self-absorbed YoungJun self manages to sabotage the mood more than once. Like a good romantic comedy, our main couple is never quite able to get in step with each other, yet each does manage to see the other in a romantic light, if at different moments.

In the end, Operation: Sweep Miso Off Her Feet doesn’t do the job of convincing her to be his girlfriend. However, it still serves a purpose. Shortly thereafter, Miso goes on a blind date and later gets asked out by a handsome coworker. Though both men would make excellent boyfriend material, Miso can’t help but compare them to YoungJun. All part of YoungJun’s grand scheme… though it’s a rom-com so Miso’s comparisons don’t always portray YoungJun in a positive light.

Then the narrative shifts away from dating comedy to phobias and dark memories. Miso gets distracted from her search for Mr. Right when her friend’s journalist fiancé discovers a possible connection between the mysterious boy of her past and an incident hushed up by YoungJun’s family. At the same time, YoungJun’s older brother returns to Korea for the first time in three years. Unlike YoungJun, this Lee son resides in France, has nothing to do with the family business, and has a charming personality. Oh, and he and YoungJun hate each other’s guts. It’s an enmity that goes back to their childhood, and those elements combined with glimpses of our characters’ dreams create a compelling element of mystery in the story.

Extras include illustration gallery, next volume preview, artist’s note, and translation notes.

In Summary

What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? continues the rom-com with YoungJun simultaneously creating and flubbing up Miso’s dream date. However, halfway through the volume, the tone shifts from humor to mystery as YoungJun’s older brother enters the story. Phobias, nightmares, and intensely bad blood between the brothers will soon have you pondering What’s Wrong with the Lee Brothers?

First published at the Fandom Post.

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