Category Archives: Writing

My First (Virtual) Author Visit!

As a student in the San Francisco Unified School District, I’d never heard of author visits. Due to the advent of California’s Prop 13, mine was the generation that had to do with 20-year-old textbooks and do without Band-Aids. And field trips? That was the stuff of TV and movies, not our reality.

It was only after I joined The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators that I learned that schools invited authors to speak at student assemblies or teach workshops. It sounded like the sort of opportunity reserved for traditionally published authors, especially since these arrangements often involve book selling/book signing. So I didn’t think I’d the chance to do something like that until I had an actual book in print.

I was wrong.

Last month, I got an email from my ballroom dance partner back when I was in grad school. Like me, Mark’s an engineering grad who no longer does engineering. Instead, he teaches fourth grade in Minnesota. We hadn’t been in touch for years, but thanks to the power of the Internet, he knew I’d gotten some short stories published and asked if I’d do a virtual author visit at his school.

I said yes.

Now, this was not a Yippee!-Can’t-wait-to-do-this yes. It was more of a Sounds-terrifying-but-this-will-be-good-for-me-as-a-writer yes.

Fortunately, Mark had hosted authors before, in-person and virtually, and gave me guidelines to work with. Based on his suggestions, I put together a 20 minute presentation that included photos of the horses who inspired “Rescue Buddy” and a video of the belt and pulley system at the Charles River Museum. We also arranged to have students read “Impromptu Performance” and “Rescue Buddy” to familiarize them with my writing.

So the visit was last week, and it actually went well!

I was concerned that Google Meets would fail us, but it did its job (though gauging audience reaction was difficult, especially when I was sharing my screen). I got through the presentation portion more or less as rehearsed, and the Q&A portion was surprisingly fun.

And unexpectedly, the Q&A involved anime!

The students asked about my pen name, and I told them I originally wrote fanfiction. After defining fanfiction for those unfamiliar with the term, I explained that I wrote stories about the anime I liked, and my pen name was a combination of favorite character names.

Well, there’s at least one anime fan in the school because the next questions I got were:

  • Do you like dubs or subtitles better?
  • Do you know the Seven Sins anime?
  • What do you like best about Naruto?

Hahaha…Never thought I’d make a weeb connection during an author visit. But if it helps young readers relate, why not?

So thank you, Mark, for the opportunity! I gained valuable XP, and maybe one of these days I’ll level up with an in-person author visit!

Just Published: Rescue Buddy!

cricket-magazine-april-2022When I was a kid, I loved horses. I was also a reader, so I read every horse book I could get my hands on. So it is with great pleasure I announce the release of “Rescue Buddy” in the April 2022 issue of Cricket Magazine.

Click here for a link to the magazine!

While “Rescue Buddy” is my first published horse story, it is not the first horse story I’ve written. My novel-length manuscript, Cynisca and the Olive Crown, centered around the Spartan princess who twice won the ancient Olympics chariot race. Although that manuscript got trunked, I enjoyed writing and researching it. Among those who helped me fact-check were horse owners Shannon Heidt and Julie Opipari, who for some reason were willing to answer my million and one questions about their equine friends.

When I got the idea for “Rescue Buddy,” I once more reached out to them. Although six years had passed since our last correspondence, both promptly responded to help me get my horse details correct. They checked my dog and cat facts, too! (Yup, they’ve got a lot of critters.)


I am deeply grateful for their generosity with their time and knowledge, and I am thrilled to finally have something to give them for my efforts. Fun fact: the Friesian gelding in “Rescue Buddy” is named after Shannon’s horse Titan.

So even though I don’t have any furry friends of my own (my husband is allergic), “Rescue Buddy” was thoroughly vetted out by two ladies who do, and I hope you check it out!

Just Published: Impromptu Performance!

I tend to set my stories in times long-ago or in places far away. (Or both!) As such, my latest story “Impromptu Performance,” which is featured in the April 2021 issue of Cricket Magazine is a departure from my usual MO.

Click here for a link to the magazine!

My short stories are usually tailored to specific Calls for Submissions, and for this one, the submissions theme was “Yikes!” I don’t know what that word conjures for you, but having volunteered backstage in numerous live productions, I immediately envisioned a stage disaster. And that was the spark that brought about “Impromptu Performance.”

So instead of ancient Greece or 1950s China, the story is set in a modern-day Silicon Valley inspired suburb. And to  suit a middle grade audience, the performance in question is a middle school play.

Compared to my other short stories, this one got written lightning fast. Mainly because it didn’t demand the level of fact- and cultural-checks required by my long ago and far away settings. Not that it was completely spared that, though. However, as it turns out, a member of my critique group Alex Doherty just happens to be married to Stacie Doherty, the managing director of the Portola Valley Theater Conservatory. As such, getting my theater terms vetted out was super easy.

Anyway, it was a fun piece to write, and hope you enjoy reading it!

Just Released: “Meet JetDo” the Webtoon!

And now for something really different…I helped write a webtoon script! Parts 1 and 2 are available on YouTube, and the links are below.

As for the story behind the script…a few months ago, my friend Shu, who helped fact check my short story Hidden Heritage, asked if I’d be interested in a freelance project. She’s one of the owners of JetPens, an online stationery store (if you’re looking for specialty pens, they’re the place to go!). As a way of engaging their customers, they wanted to create an origin story for their green-clad mascot JetDo, and Shu asked if I’d like to write that story.

The invitation literally came out of the blue. I had zero experience doing work for hire. But it sounded like a great opportunity to write in a different style. Plus, Shu is an awesome person, and I was completely on board with her vision for JetDo.

That’s how I wound up on a team with producer Miriam Ling and artist Joshua Banaag. The project felt a lot like making short films in Los Angeles. There was a scope, schedule, and budget. Each collaborator brought something different to the table, but we were collectively striving toward the goal of crafting a cohesive, engaging story. Some writers prefer to have full control over the creative process, but I rather like group brainstorming and enjoyed hashing out JetDo canon with the team.

The other thing reminiscent of my film experience was that the scope changed as we progressed. The biggest change was the format. The story was originally to be printed as a mini-zine so Josh and I started by organizing pictures and text on a paper layout. However, the mini-zine was eventually deemed less cost-effective and less environmentally friendly than a digital format, so we switched to presenting the story as a webtoon.

That meant Josh and I went from an illustrator/author team to an animator/screenwriter team. The change actually made writing easier because I was no longer beholden to my nemesis, word count. However, the brunt of the storytelling shifted from text to images, so I had to keep in mind the amount of time and effort it took to animate scenes while I wrote.

By the way, Josh did an awesome job shifting roles from drawing stills to animating images. I’ve always enjoyed animation, and it was pretty exciting to see the scenes I wrote come to life this way.

So please check it out! It’s free wherever YouTube is available. And I hope you’ll enjoy the tale behind JetPens and JetDo!

Just Published: Business and Bows!

Only a month ago, everything was business as usual in California, but as we progress into April, the world is a drastically different place. With so much doom and gloom, it’s important to celebrate any bright spots that arise, so today I’m celebrating the publication of my third contribution to Cricket Magazine: Business and Bows!

Click here for the link to the magazine!

Considering how many businesses and services have ground to a halt, I’m grateful this issue still got printed on schedule and that the Postal Service is still making deliveries.

Business and Bows, whose main character turns her love for kimono into a business idea, is a departure from my other Cricket stories. While it also has an Asian setting, the time is present day, and unlike the serious nature of Hidden Heritage and Cheonson and the Admiral, it has a lighthearted tone.

The story’s based partly on an experience I had the last time my husband and I vacationed in Japan. Most anime and manga fans have an appreciation for Japanese culture, and we are no exception. So when we discovered a summer festival was taking place at Nagoya Castle during our stay in the Nagoya area, we decided to attend in traditional Japanese garb.

However, my husband’s jinbei was much easier to don than my yukata; it took over a half hour for me to get dressed. Even so, my efforts left much to be desired. At the festival, we passed a yukata stall, and vendors became visibly dismayed at the state of my clothes. When we explained we were tourists, they immediately pounced on me to tidy me up. Let me tell you, these women mean business when it comes to folding and tying, and the difference between my work and theirs was night and day. (Thank you, yukata ladies!)

Even though the story was inspired by my latest visit to Japan, it also pays tribute to my first trip in 1995 when I was participated in the Japan America Student Conference. The story setting Nishinomiya, which is in a region known for entrepreneurship, is the hometown of Michiko Zentoh, a Japanese delegate from that conference. Michiko, like the character Shiori, is fluent in Spanish and English. College students Rachel and Malik are based on two fellow American delegates, both of whom are fluent in Japanese. (Wow, I know so many talented people…)

As such, this story was fun to write for many reasons, and I hope you enjoy reading it!

Just Published: Cheonson and the Admiral!

2019 has been a gratifying year. Three months ago, my Cultural Revolution story Hidden Heritage was printed in Cricket Magazine.  This month, Cricket published another story of mine: Cheonson and the Admiral!

Click here for the link to the magazine!

Like Hidden Heritage, this is a historical; unlike Hidden Heritage, Cheonson and the Admiral is set in 16th century Korea. The aforementioned admiral is Yi Sun-Sin, a brilliant commander who turned the tide against the invading Japanese in the Imjin War (23 wins in 23 naval battles!). As for Cheonson, he was a young cowherd who brought Yi information critical to the Battle at Hansan.

Although Yi’s a national hero to Koreans, he’s relatively unknown in the West, and I have my husband to thank for introducing me to the admiral. He saw a feature film about Yi (The Admiral: Roaring Currents) during a flight to Korea, and it so impressed him he came home gushing about Yi’s trademark turtle ships. So when I saw the “Make a Splash” theme on Cricket’s Call for Submissions website, I figured Yi’s story was worth telling.

However, the tricky thing about writing Cheonson was the lack of reference materials. Korean texts about Yi and the Imjin War abound, but there’s not a whole lot in English. Pretty much only university collections have anything on the subject, and fortunately, Stanford University’s library has a limited public access policy so I was able to see the few books they had about Yi.

I was also fortunate to have friends help me with story details (thanks, Dorthy and Esther!). I’m of Chinese descent so I had a level of comfortability depicting the Bao family of Hidden Heritage. Cheonson and the Admiral was definitely outside my culture, and I was grateful that my Korean-American friends and their Korean-born parents were willing to vet out my portrayal of Koreans in the Imjin War.

I’m thrilled Cheonson and the Admiral made it into the world, and I hope you get to enjoy it in Cricket’s May/June 2019 issue!

Just Published: Hidden Heritage!

I write historical fiction, but my settings gravitate toward the ancient. As such, my latest short story was a bit off my beaten track. Hidden Heritage is a tale about a family heirloom rescued from the ravages of China’s Cultural Revolution, and it’s available in Cricket Magazine’s February 2019 issue!

You can purchase this issue from Cricket’s website by clicking here.

The heirloom featured in my story is based off an actual heirloom featured in Michael Wood’s documentary The Story of China. At the time I saw the documentary, I didn’t think I’d use it for a story. Then some months later, I dropped by the Cricket Call for Submissions website, and when I saw the “A Willingness to Act” theme, the heirloom from the documentary immediately flashed to mind.

However, the due date was in three weeks, and I knew almost nothing about the Cultural Revolution (the documentary only spent about five minutes on it). Fortunately, for me and this story, my friend Shu does know Chinese history. Not only did she agree to help, she also recruited her parents, who lived through the Cultural Revolution.

It was a crazy three weeks of drafting, fact-checking, and vetting. I’ve never written so quickly about a setting I knew nothing about. But thanks to quick feedback from Shu’s family as well as my SCBWI critique group, I finished by the deadline.

And it got selected!

The funny thing is that even though I wrote this story in record time, its path to publication took over a year. I submitted it in August 2017 and received my acceptance December 2017, but it wasn’t until July 2018 that the edit rounds began. When they say you have to be patient in the publication business, it’s absolutely true. But the magazine editor was great to work with, and I’m pleased with the final product.

I hope you enjoy it, too!

As an added bonus, Cricket is on SCBWI’s PAL Publishers list. That means I’m now a SCBWI PAL (Published and Listed) member. Yay, I just leveled up!

Research Ramblings: Massachusetts’ Archives and History Museums Part 5

The last stop in my Massachusetts research tour was Springfield, MA. About half my WIP takes place in this town so I had to come to take a look and, of course, drop by the city archives.

Springfield History Library and Archives

Location: Basement of the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History, 21 Edwards Street, Springfield, MA 01103

Resource Type: Archives


Personal Goals:

Finding and making photograph copies of the following:

  • maps and photographs (interior and exterior) of 1860s-1870s Springfield
  • information regarding everyday working class life, holidays, and traditions during the 1860s-1870s
  • information regarding the 19th century inventor featured in my manuscript

Unexpected Find: Springfield Directory and Business Advertiser for 1867-1868 and 1868-1869 (FYI,  this publication is a forerunner of the 19th century version of the 20th century white and yellow page directories

What to expect

Unlike Boston, which has a dizzying number of historical repositories scattered about, Springfield has just a handful. With the notable exception of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Springfield’s Museums are clustered around a quad on 21 Edwards Street, and the archives is located in the basement of the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History. You must pay a fee to access the archives (see their website for details), and if you are a Dr. Seuss fan, you may want to opt to buy the all-museums ticket and allot extra time to see the Seuss Museum. Parking in the museum lot is free, however.

The people of Springfield have been quite good at preserving their history. Their archives contains an impressive collection of documents, photos, maps, ephemera, and books, and this place seems to be a popular stop for Civil War era researchers. However, unlike the Boston museums, their collection is not searchable online. As such, you will need to submit requests to archivists Cliff McCarthy and Margaret Humberston. Basically, you give them the topic or era you are interested in, and they will retrieve the pertinent material for you. It is not necessary to email requests in advance (the day I visited, the archives received two drop-in researchers), but I’d recommend it to maximize your time there.

By the way, Mr. McCarthy and Ms. Humberston were fantastic. I’d exchanged emails with Mr. McCarthy prior to my visit, and they had a heap of materials ready when I arrived. It included a DVD documentary of the inventor I was researching, and Mr. McCarthy was kind enough to let me use his desktop computer to watch it.

As you might guess, the atmosphere at the Springfield Archives is much more relaxed than the MHS. There are no lockers, and my husband and I were free to look through materials together. As we worked, we chatted with Ms. Humberston, and based off our conversation, she came up for additional suggestions for me, which included this location’s unexpected find: their collection of Springfield Directory and Business Advertisers. For a writer of historical fiction, these books are a gold mine. They’ve got everything from the names of all the city officials to omnibus schedules.

All in all, it was a pleasant and productive day of research in Springfield. Many thanks to Mr. McCarthy and Ms. Humberston!

And that concludes the recap of my Massachusetts archives and museum tour. Hopefully you’ve found it informative!


Research Ramblings: Massachusetts’ Archives and History Museums Part 4

When I planned this research trip, the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation was not on my radar at all. Fortunately, as described in my previous post, my Beacon Hill tour guide enlightened me to its existence, and it just so happened that Waltham, where the museum is located, sat between Boston and my next destination Springfield. So by making a brief detour off the Massachusetts Turnpike, my husband and I were able to visit this gem of a museum.

The Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation

Location: 154 Moody Street, Waltham, Massachusetts

Resource Type: Museum


Personal Goals:

Taking pictures and learning more about:

  • The equipment in early cotton mills
  • 19th century machine shops
  • The lives of 19th century factory workers

Unexpected Find: Museum staff turning on the belt and line shaft system in their machine shop exhibit so we could see it in motion.

What to expect:

If you visit this museum, make certain to follow the directions on their website. The museum is housed in what was once the Francis Cabot Lowell Mill, the first industrial cotton mill in the United States. However, in addition to the museum, other groups are also located in the large complex, so if you don’t want to get lost, check the website!

While the mill complex is pretty big, the museum itself isn’t that large. Hours are limited to four days a week, and on the Thursday we visited, Executive Administrator Elana Winkler gave a five-minute history of the mill/introduction to the museum to every visitor who entered. However, the museum apparently hosts events in addition to maintaining its exhibits.

Perhaps the Charles River Museum isn’t as vast as the Smithsonian, but it was packed with objects and information pertinent to my project. The Charles River flows just outside the building, and the museum contains a large model that shows how the river once powered the cotton factory. As Ms. Winkler was quick to inform me, most people associate America’s early cotton factories with Lowell, Massachusetts, but the Francis Cabot Lowell Mill in Waltham was the prototype for those mills. In addition to replicas of an early power loom and a hand loom that was rendered obsolete by the Industrial Revolution, there was also a wealth of information about factory workers and the business corporations that arose alongside manufacturing.

Textile production isn’t all that is on display at this museum. It contains a number of other exhibits showcasing various facets of American industry. Aside from the cotton mill exhibit, I was most interested in the museum’s late 19th century machine shop. In addition to a number of machining tools, it contained a 1920’s paper bag machine, which unfortunately was out of order at the time we visited. But even though that was a disappointment, we got to see something else that was just as cool. The machining tools are powered by a belt and line shaft system, which is usually off. However, when the staff heard that I was doing research for a 19th century inventor, they turned the power system on so I could see it in action. Thank you, Charles River Museum!

By the way, if you’re interested in their exhibits but can’t make it to Waltham, visit their YouTube channel. They’ve got lots of interesting stuff there.

Next up: The Archives at The Springfield Museums

Research Ramblings: Massachusetts’ Archives and History Museums Part 3

My previous post described my visit to Historic New England’s archives. However, Historic New England does more than maintain documents. It also offers tours of historic buildings and holds a variety of events throughout New England. Our visit to Boston just happened to coincide with its walking tour of Beacon Hill so I naturally jumped at the chance.

Historic New England’s Otis House Museum and Beacon Hill Tour

Location: 141 Cambridge Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Resource Type: Museum and guided tour


Personal Goals:

Taking pictures and learning more about:

  • furniture and architecture
  • Boston’s historic neighborhoods

Unexpected Find: Learning about the Charles River Museum of Industry.

What to expect:

The tour began at the Otis House, whose original owner Harrison Gray Otis was instrumental in developing Beacon Hill. The Beacon Hill neighborhood tour fee included a separate tour of the Otis House, so of course we took the opportunity to see the Otis House interior.

The Otis House like many other mansions of its time, began as a home for a wealthy family but,  as the neighborhood changed, was converted for other uses, including a medical clinic and boarding house. However, in 1916, the predecessor to Historic New England purchased the property. The basement currently houses the Historic New England library and archives, but the remainder of the home has been restored to its glory when the Otises occupied it.

By the way, restoration also means keeping the house’s character as close as possible to the original. That means no air conditioning. And in July, it was sweltering in there. Yet despite the heat, the guide for the house tour kept up a lively narrative about the house’s first occupants and readily answered our questions about the various objects and furnishings from the turn of the 19th century.

The Beacon Hill tour was also hot and, on top of that, a bit of a hike. Beacon Hill is an actual hill, albeit an artificially raised one, and we went up and all around it, going from the Otis House to the Massachusetts State House to the Athenaeum and Congregational House to Boston Commons. However, it was definitely worth it as our guide, who’d studied art and historical architecture, was a trove of information. In addition to showing us how building styles changed as the Beacon Hill neighborhood developed, he pointed out the houses where historical figures such as Louisa May Alcott and John F. Kennedy once lived. He also answered our questions about objects like boot scrapers and cobblestone roads and took us down a bunch of tiny alleys that most passersby don’t even notice.

Apparently, Beacon Hill has gone full circle from the ritzy neighborhood to the slums and back to pricey again with the added charm of being a historical neighborhood. I guess people will pay top dollar for old fashioned houses on brick streets with gas lamps (which burn 24/7) even if those houses only come with street parking. By the way, according to our guide, those iconic red brick houses with black shutters were originally red brick houses with green shutters. Apparently, when Queen Victoria died, people were moved to paint their shutters black as a form of collective mourning. And then it stuck. However, folks have determined to revert to the true original scheme so you’ll see some green shutters among the black at Beacon Hill.

As for this resource’s “unexpected find,” that popped up after the tour ended. As our guide led us back to the Otis House, he asked why we were visiting the area. I explained I was researching a certain historical figure for a novel, and he knew who I was talking about! As such, he recommended I go to the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation because it has exhibits that are very pertinent to this person’s life.

It all just goes to show how help can show up in unexpected ways.

Next up: The Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation