Manga Review: Bride of the Barrier Master Vol. 1

51gm005widl._sy445_sx342_Bride of the Barrier Master has one of those “the fate of the nation depends on this elite magical group” settings. However, it’s less about the accomplishments of this group and more about how our underdog heroine abruptly surges from below average to far above. Read on for the review of Volume 1. For other reviews of this series, click here.

Back Cover Blurb

For thousands of years, Japan has been protected by five clans wielding barrier-weaving magic. Born to a branch family of one such clan, eighteen-year-old Hana has always been stuck in the shadow of her more capable, beautiful, and popular twin sister. When a strong power awakens within Hana, she chooses to hide it so she can continue living a quiet life out of the spotlight. But that ideal lifestyle begins to slip out of reach when Saku Ichinomiya takes over as the new head of the Ichinomiya clan and sets out to find a bride strong enough to stand by his side. Eager to keep her abilities secret, Hana steers clear of Saku… but will she be tempted to sign a marriage contract if it guarantees the peaceful, quiet future of her dreams?

The Review

Hana is a modern-day teenager born to an ancient heritage. Since time immemorial, Japan has been safeguarded by five crystal pillars. Because they are constantly under attack by spiritual forces, five clans blessed with mystical powers have the duty of protecting the pillars, and Hana’s family belongs to one of those clans.

For Hana’s parents, status within their clan is everything. So they lavish attention and resources on Hazuki, Hana’s talented twin sister, and scorn Hana, whose powers are a fraction of her sister’s. But Hana has a secret: her powers are far greater than her sister’s. However, she doesn’t want to be her parents’ tool, so she hides her true abilities with the goal of leading a normal life away from the magical clans. Unfortunately, the new clan head Saku Ichinomiya ruins her plans by asking her to be his bride!

Bride of the Barrier Master is a fantasy involving multiple clans, supernatural objects with very specific rules, and a magical organization with a ranking system and various roles. However, the mangaka conveys these varied world-building details clearly and succinctly even as the narrative focuses on the thrust of the story. Mainly, Hana’s disdain for the people that have scorned her all her life.

Hana’s parents are extremely one-dimensional in that respect. It’s disconcerting how they’ll insult Hana in almost the same breath that they dote on Hazuki. But their motives are crystal clear, as are Hana’s when she makes her decision to deny her parents the satisfaction of knowing she is the extraordinary daughter they dreamed of having.

So while the fate of the world – erm, Japan depends on her clan, Hana’s indifferent to that responsibility. Her aim is a quiet life and comfortable retirement, far and away from the business of guarding mystical pillars. Given the humiliations she’s suffered beneath these elitist magical practitioners, it’s understandable.

And that dream is how our male lead is able to manipulate her to do his bidding. Saku is the complete package: good looks, intelligence, talent, and the authority of the clan head. Only Hana’s not interested in any of that. She’s got zero interest in romance and doesn’t plan on marrying. Saku, though, is interested in her, if only for her magical abilities. As family head, he bears the responsibility for protecting a crystal pillar. Only he can’t do it alone. He needs a spouse who can match his power, and when he catches Hana dispatching a stray shade, he knows he’s found his match.

Thus the courtship begins. Only it’s more like a comedy routine. In a certain sense, Saku is as pragmatic as Hana. He first tries persistence. When that doesn’t work, he makes an offer she can’t refuse – one billion yen, a house, and a generous retirement package in exchange for a marriage in name only. Plus, the satisfaction of the rubbing it in her parents’ faces. The narrative isn’t lovey-dovey in the least yet, but the protagonist is definitely one that I can cheer for.

By the way, the light novel on which this story was based implied the twins are identical, but the manga has presented them as fraternal twins. An understandable choice – that way there’s no doubt which character is which. However, the character designs are really young. Saku and Hana are 24 and 18, respectively, but they look more like 16 and 12. Also, the spiritual forces threatening the clans are more laughable than scary. So far all of them have the same buggy cartoony eyes that aren’t exactly intimidating.

Extras include an afterword and bonus story.

In Summary

Bride of the Barrier Master is fun, fluffy stuff. Yeah, Hana’s clan is entrusted with safeguarding the welfare of Japan with their mystical powers, but so far it’s about the snubbed girl getting back at everyone who badmouthed her with the help of the most eligible guy in her circle. It’s inevitable they’ll fall in love eventually, but for now, everything is business between this hard-headed pair.

First published at the Fandom Post.

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