Manhwa Review: My Gently Raised Beast Vol. 5

51gx15vf0al._sy445_sx342_Lots of Korean web comics and web fiction are successfully making the jump from the Internet to traditional media nowadays. One of these is My Gently Raised Beast. Read on for the review of Volume 5 of the manhwa. (For reviews of other volumes, click here.)

Back Cover Blurb

Blondina is rescued just in the nick of time by Amon, and her safe return is greeted with much joy and celebration. But not everyone is happy to see her alive and well―when Adellai witnesses all the love and warmth around her half sister, something inside her snaps. Unhinged by jealousy, she redoubles her efforts to destroy Blondina…but not if Amon has anything to say about it! “I will never lose you again, Briddy.”

The Review

Amon comes to Blondina’s rescue, foiling Adellai’s plans. With this, the story plunges into full royal succession struggle mode. It doesn’t matter that Blondina harbors zero ambitions of taking the crown. She nearly got murdered, and things clearly won’t end there. Thus, sweet, mild Blondina quickly grows a backbone in order to confront first the Dehills and then Adellai. Blondina’s declaration, “What I need right now isn’t someone else’s power, but my own, so I can protect my people,” shows how drastically she’s changed.

In the meantime, Adellai doubles down on her efforts against Blondina and the Divine Beasts. She’s definitely painted as the villain here – not showing the slightest hesitation to eliminate foes and inconvenient allies alike. Although jealousy is at the root of her vehemence, she’s unfortunately starting to feel one-dimensional – spouting the same pompous line about taking back what was stolen from her whether she has the upper hand or in mortal danger.

As for the person at the center of this sibling rivalry, he’s behaving annoyingly out of character in this volume. After Amon returns Blondina to her family, her father suddenly gets a conscience. His very belated guilt over Blondina’s suffering doesn’t feel genuine though. He’s the king for crying out loud. Given his power and resources, he had a whole lot of options if he truly wanted to secure Blondina and her mother’s welfare. The lack of resentment in Blondina’s reception of his apology doesn’t feel genuine either. After all, this is the same gal who was happy to dish punishment to the abusive innkeepers. One could argue that her father’s abandonment was as bad as their behavior or worse. Not to mention, the king has not and still is not doing a thing to quell the hostility between his children. In a sense, he’s to blame for this vicious sibling rivalry, and the man is too oblivious or incompetent to stop it.

In Summary

The sibling rivalry intensifies! Although Blondina escapes the “stimulant incident” with her life, others involved in the plot do not. Adellai’s quick to kill attitude and maniacal eyes are starting to feel stale, but it is interesting to see Blondina develop into more than a victim who needs rescuing. And although Blondina’s not actually interested in the throne, Lart is. Things are bound to get a lot messier between the three siblings as the power struggle continues.

First published at the Fandom Post.

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